New OSM sceneries

All Osm continent sceneries have been updated, country sceneries have been deleted as they were a very old version. Only for Europe there will be 2 versions: osm+only and osm+autogen, all other continents have the osm+autogen, as the overall osm data may not be perfect.


Following changes are made to the previous version March 2013:

  1. OSM data by dated July 2013
  2. Multipolygons are processed, that means missing (manily bigger) buildings and forests are now included.
  3. Buildings and forests can have inner yards if they are made of relations in osm.
  4. Smart exclusions to avoid penetration of osm and autogen objects
  5. More 3D buildings, more tags are processed.
  6. New facade set modified by Pascal Lachat

Thanks to Benjamin Blanchet (osm2xp), Henry Favretto (multipolys), Pascal Lachat (facade set) and Andras Fabian. Have fun using the sceneries! 🙂