All Osm continent sceneries have been updated, country sceneries have been deleted as they were a very old version. Only for Europe there will be 2 versions: osm+only and osm+autogen, all other continents have the osm+autogen, as the overall osm data may not be perfect.
Following changes are made to the previous version March 2013:
- OSM data by dated July 2013
- Multipolygons are processed, that means missing (manily bigger) buildings and forests are now included.
- Buildings and forests can have inner yards if they are made of relations in osm.
- Smart exclusions to avoid penetration of osm and autogen objects
- More 3D buildings, more tags are processed.
- New facade set modified by Pascal Lachat
Thanks to Benjamin Blanchet (osm2xp), Henry Favretto (multipolys), Pascal Lachat (facade set) and Andras Fabian. Have fun using the sceneries! 🙂