New add-on for standard XP11/10

Introducing the new ‘w2xp_Europe_objects VFR-Landmarks’ which is meant for XP11 users (and XP10 too) with standard scenery or HD Mesh Scenery v3 installed to improve the look of XP with visual objects like chimneys, radio masts and communication towers, churches, mosques, wind turbines, solar panel fields, flags, lighthouses, windmills, cranes, water towers, tanks, observation towers, campaniles, cooling towers, piers and boats.

It doesn’t influence performance, files installed are only 117 MB, 43 MB to download. It uses a library, so changing or adding objects is fast and easy. Refer to the ReadMe if you want to do so. Download at

Screenshots using objects version and XP11 standard scenery:

Upcoming updates for w2xp net and aerials version

The next days some updates are upcoming for the net and the aerials version. Some things are added and some fixed, please see changelog.

Changes to w2xp_xxx_aerials:

  • actualised with actual OSM data
  • added aerialways for mixed_lift, t-bar and goods
  • deleted not necessary files in objects
  • combined all continents to one world scenery
    (if you only need a special area, delete the rest)

Changes to w2xp_xxx_net:

  • actualised with actual OSM data
  • fixed railways and power lines
  • added aerialways for mixed_lift, t-bar and goods
  • deleted not necessary files in objects

w2xp sceneries 2016

Important: Before downloading and installing all new stuff, please take 5 min and read this post and the linked page to get an idea what you need and what not to get the best performance and user experience for your flights in X-Plane 10. And you get very useful information to get XP10 running smoothly:

Read more and download

CH_WalenseeI’ve finished an update of all w2xp sceneries with lot of improvements:

  • actual data Feb, 2016
  • one file per continent
  • added new buildings for South europe
  • added gantry and portal cranes
  • added wooden piers with ships at piers
  • added platforms and roofs
  • deleted objects at most airports
  • corrected LODs
  • some improved facades
  • solar panel fields
  • added cable car, gondola, drag lift

See some examples for new objects introduced in the 2016 w2xp sceneries:

piers with boats

gantry and portal cranes

railway platforms with roofs


gondolas and lifts

solar panel fields

Europe sceneries: from 49 to 6

If you want to cover Europe with w2xp sceneries, you had to download and extract 49 files. Now Europe is available in only 6 parts:

  1. Europe West: Andorra, Azores, Faroe-Islands, Great-Britain, Iceland, Ireland, Northern-Ireland, Isle of Man, Portugal, Spain
  2. Europe Central West: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Monaco
  3. Europe Central North: Germany, Netherlands
  4. Europe Central South: Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Liechtenstein, Malta, Slovenia, Switzerland
  5. Europe East: Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine
  6. Europe North: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Sweden

The new sceneries have less borders (= less exclusions) and thus some advantages depending on the region:

  • disk space decrease 50% in total
  • faster loading time up to 20%
  • less RAM and VRAM used ~10%
  • fps are the same or up to 20% higher

Download the new sceneries at w2xp sceneries.